勃拉姆斯 Brahms




1 Piano Sonata No. 1 in C Major

2 Piano Sonata No. 2 in F sharp minor

3 Six Songs for Tenor or Soprano and Piano

Liebestreu - Fidelity in Love

Liebe und Frühling I - Love and Spring I

Liebe und Frühling II - Love and Spring II

Lied - Song

In der Fremde - Far From Home

Lied - Song

4 Scherzo in E Flat minor for Piano

5 Piano Sonata No. 3 in F minor

6 Six Songs for Tenor or Soprano and Piano

Spanisches Lied - Spanish Song

Der Frühling - Springtime

Nachwirkung - Aftereffect

Juche - Hurrah!

Wie die Wolke nach der Sonne - As the Cloud after the Sun

Nachtigallen schwingen lustig - Nightingales Swoop Happily

7 Six Songs for Voice and Piano

Treue Liebe - True Love

Parole - Watchword

Ankl?nge - Reminiscences

Volkslied - Folksong

Die Trauernde - The Unhappy Girl

Heimkehr - Homecoming

8 Piano Trio No. 1 in B Major for Piano, Violin and Cello

9 Sixteen Variations for Piano on a Theme by Schumann

10 Four Ballads for Piano

11 Serenade No. 1 in D Major forLarge Orchestra

12 Ave Maria for Women's Chorus and Orchestra or Organ

13 Begr?bnisgesang - Funeral Song for Chorus and Wind Instruments

14 Acht Lieder und Romanzen - Eight Songs and Romances for Voice and Piano

Vor dem Fenster - Outside the Window

Vom verwundeten Knaben - About the Wounded Boy

Murrays Ermordung - The Assassination of Murray

Ein Sonnett - A Sonnet

Trennung - Separation

Gang zur Liebsten - Visiting His Sweetheart

St?ndchen - Serenade

Sehnsucht - Longing

15 Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor

16 Serenade No. 2 in A Major for Small Orchestra

17 Four Songs for Female Chorus, Two Horns and Harp

Es t?nt ein voller Harfenklang - I Hear a Harp

Lied von Shakespeare - Song from Shakespeare

Der G?rtner - The Gardener

Gesang aus Fingal - Song from Fingal

18 String Sextet No. 1 in B Flat Major for 2 Violins, 2 Violas, and 2 Celli

19 Five Poems for Voice and Piano

Der Kuss - The Kiss

Scheiden und Meiden - Parting and Separation

In der Ferne - Far Away

Der Schmied - The Blacksmith

An eine Aeolsharfe - To an Aeolian Harp

20 Three Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano

Weg der Liebe I - Way of Love I

Weg der Liebe II - Way of Love II

Die Meere - The Sea

21/1 Variations for Piano on an Original Theme in D Major

21/2 Variations for Piano on a Hungarian Song, in D Major

22 Sieben Marienlieder - Seven Songs of the Virgin for mixed Chorus a cappella

Der englische Gru? - The English Greeting

Marias Kirchgang - Mary Goes to Church

Marias Wallfahrt - Mary's Pilgrimage

Der J?ger - The Hunter

Ruf zur Maria - Call to Mary

Magdalena - Magdalena

Marias Lob - Mary's Praise

23 Variations for Piano Four Hands on a Theme by Schumann

24 Variations and Fugue for Piano on a Theme by Handel

25 Piano Quartet No. 1 in G minor

26 Piano Quartet No. 2 in A Major

27 The 13th Psalm for Three-voice Women's Chorus with Organ or Piano

28 Four Duets for Alto and Baritone with Piano

Die Nonne und der Ritter - The Nun and the Knight

Vor der Tür - Before the Door

Es rauschet das Wasser - The Water Rushes

Der J?ger und sein Liebchen - The Hunter and His Beloved

29 Two Motets for Five-voice mixed Chorus a cappella

Es ist das Heil uns kommen her - The Grace of God Has Come to Man

Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz - Create in Me, God, a Pure Heart

30 Geistliches Lied - Spiritual Song for Four-voice Chorus with Organ or Piano

31 Three Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass and Piano

Wechsellied zum Tanze - Dialogue at the Dance

Neckereien - Teasing

Der Gang zum Liebchen - Going To the Loved One

32 Nine Songs for Voice and Piano

33 Romanzen (Magalone-Lieder) - Romances (Magelone Songs) for Voice and Piano

34 Piano Quintet in F minor

34b Sonata for Two Pianos in F minor

35 Studies for Piano in A minor - Variations on a Theme by Paganini

36 String Sextet No. 2 in G Major for 2 Violins, 2 Violas, and 2 Celli

37 Drei Geistliche Ch?re - Three Spiritual Choruses for Women's Chorus a cappella

O bone Jesu


Regina coeli

38 Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor for Cello and Piano

39 Waltzes for Piano

40 Horn Trio in E Flat Major for Horn (or Cello or Viola), Violin and Piano

41 Five Songs &127;for Four-part Male Chorus

Ich schwing mein Horn ins Jammertal- I Blow My Horn to Sorrow's Vale

Freiwillige her! - A Volunteer

Geleit - Escort

Marschieren - Marching

Gebt Acht! - Be on Guard!

42 Three Songs for Six-part mixed Chorus a cappella

Abendst?ndchen - Evening Serenade

Vineta - Vineta

Darthulas Grabegesang - Darthula's Dirge

43 Four Songs for Voice and Piano

Von ewiger Liebe - Of Everlasting Love

Die Mainacht - The May Night

Ich schell mein Horn ins Jammerthal - I Sound My Horn in the Valley of Grief

Das Lied vom Herrn von Falkenstein - The Song of the Lord of Falkenstein

44 Zw?lf Lieder und Romanzen - Twelve Songs and Romances for Four-part Women's Chorus a cappella or with Piano ad libitum

Minnelied - Minnesong

Der Br?utigam - The Bridegroom

Barcarole - Barcarole

Fragen - Questions

Die Müllerin - The Miller's Daughter

Die Nonne - The Nun

Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (I) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (I)

Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (II) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (II)

Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (III) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (III)

Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (IV) - Four Songs from the Fountain of Youth (IV)

Die Braut - The Bride

M?rznacht - March Night

45 Ein deutsches Requiem - A German Requiem for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra

46 Four Songs for Voice and Piano

Die Kr?nze - The Wreaths

Magyarisch - Magyar Song

Die Schale der Vergessenheit - The Goblet of Oblivion

An die Nachtigall - To the Nightingale

47 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

Botschaft - Message

Liebesglut - Blaze of Love

Sonntag - Sunday

O liebliche Wangen - Oh Lovely Face

Die Liebende schreibt - A Woman in Love Writes a Letter

48 Seven Songs for Voice and Piano

Der Gang zum Liebchen - Visiting His Sweetheart

Der überl?ufer - The Turncoat

Liebesklage des M?dchen - The Lovelorn Girl's Lament

Gold überwiegt die Liebe - Gold Prevails Over Love

Trost in Tr?nen - Consolation in Tears

Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil - I Have Lost Happiness and Well-Being

Herbstgefühl - Autumnal Mood

49 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

Am Sonntag Morgen - On Sunday Morning

An ein Veilchen - To a Violet

Sehnsucht - Longing

Wiegenlied - Lullaby

Abendd?mmerung - Twilight

50 Rinaldo (Cantata) for Tenor, Male Chorus and Orchestra

51 Two String Quartets - No. 1 in C minor, No. 2 in A Major

52a Liebeslieder Waltzes for Four Voices (SATB) and Piano Four Hands

52b Liebeslieder Waltzes for Piano Four Hands (no Voices)

53 Alto Rhapsody for Alto, Male Chorus and Orchestra

54 Schicksalslied - Song of Destiny for Chorus and Orchestra

55 Triumphlied - Song of Triumph for Eight-part Chorus and Orchestra (Organ ad libitum)

56a Variations for Orchestra on a Theme by Haydn

56b Variations for two Pianos on a Theme by Haydn

57 Eight Songs for Voice and Piano to texts by Daumer

58 Eight Songs for Voice and Piano

Blinde Kuh - Blind Man's Bluff

W?hrend des Regens - During the Rain

Die Spr?de - The Unapproachable Woman

O Komme, holde Sommernacht - Oh come, Fair Summer Night

Schwermut - Melancholy

In der Gasse - In the Narrow Street

Vorüber - Gone By

Serenade - Serenade

59 Eight Songs for Voice and Piano

D?mmerung senkte sich von oben - Twilight Has Lowered From Above

Auf dem See - On the Lake

Regenlied - Rain Song

Nachklang - Lingering Sound

Agnes - Agnes

Eine gute, gute Nacht - A Very Good Night

Mein wundes Herz - My Sore Heart

Dein blaues Auge - Your Blue Eyes

60 Piano Quartet No. 3 in C minor

61 Four Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano

Die Schwestern - The Sisters

Klosterfr?ulein - Nuns

Ph?nomen - Phenomenon

Die Boten der Liebe - The Messengers of Love

62 Seven Songs for Mixed Choir

Rosmarin - Rosemary

Von alten Liebesliedern - From Old Love Songs

Waldesnacht - Night in the Forest

Dein Herzlein mild - Thou Gentle Heart

All meine Herzgedanken - My Heartfelt Thanks

Es geht ein Wehen - A Sigh Goes Floating

Vergangen ist mit Gluck und Heil - I Have Lost Happiness and Well-Being

63 Nine Songs for Voice and Piano

Frühlingstrost - Spring's Consolation

Erinnerung - Reminiscence

An ein Bild - To a Picture

An die Tauben - To the Doves

Junge Lieder I - Young Songs I

Junge Lieder II - Young Songs II

Heimweh I - Homesickness I

Heimweh II - Homesickness II

Heimweh III - Homesickness III

64 Three Quartets for Soprano, Alto, Bass and Piano

An die Heimat - To the Homeland

Der Abend - The Evening

Fragen - Questions

65a New Liebeslieder Waltzes for Four Voices and Piano Four Hands

65b New Liebeslieder Waltzes for Piano Four Hands (no Voices)

66 Five Duets for Soprano and Alto with Piano

Kl?nge I - Sounds I

Kl?nge II - Sounds II

Am Strande - On the Beach

J?gerlied - Huntsman's Song

Hüt du dich! - Take Care!

67 String Quartet No. 3 in B Flat minor

68 Symphony No. 1 in C minor

69 Nine Songs for Voice and Piano

Klage I - Lament I

Klage II - Lament II

Abschied - Farewell

Des Liebsten Schwur - My Sweetheart's Promise

Tambourliedchen - Little Song of the Drummer

Vom Strande - From the Beach

über die See - Over the Sea

Salome - Salome

M?dchenfluch - A Girl's Curse

70 Four Songs for Voice and Piano

Im Garten am Seegestade - In the Garden by the Seashore

Lerchengesang - Song of the Larks

Serenade - Serenade

Abendregen - Evening Rain

71 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze! - Love is so Delightful in the Spring!

An den Mond - To the Moon

Geheimnis - Secret

Willst du, dass ich geh? - Do You Want Me to Go?

Minnelied - Minnesong

72 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

Alte Liebe - Old Love

Sommerf?den - Summer Threads

O kühler Wald - Oh Cool Forest

Verzagen - Despondency

Unüberwindlich - Unconquerable

73 Symphony No. 2 in D Major

74 Two Motets for Mixed Chorus a cappella

Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Mühseligen? - Why is Light Bestowed on the Brokenhearted?

O Heiland, reiss die Himmel - Oh Saviour, Rend the Heavens

75 Vier Balladen und Romanzen - Four Ballads and Romances for Two Voices and Piano

Edward - Edward

Guter Rat - Good Advice

So lass uns wandern! - So Let Us Wander!

Walpurgisnacht - Walpurgis Night

76 Eight Piano Pieces

77 Violin Concerto

78 Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major

79 Two Rhapsodies for Piano

80 Akademische Festouverture - Academic Festival Overture for Large Orchestra

81 Tragische Ouverture - Tragic Overture for Orchestra

82 N?nie for Chorus and Orchestra (Harp ad libitum)

83 Piano Concerto No. 2 in B Flat Major

84 Fünf Romanzen und Lieder - Five Romances and Songs for One or Two Voices with Piano

Sommerabend - Summer Evening

Der Kranz - The Wreath

In den Beeren - Among the Berries

Vergebliches St?ndchen - Fruitless Serenade

Spannung - Tension

85 Six Songs for Voice and Piano

Sommerabend - Summer Evening

Mondenschein - Moonlight

M?dchenlied - Girl's Song

Ade! - Goodbye!

Frühlingslied - Spring Song

In Waldeseinsamkeit - In the Loneliness of the Forest

86 Six Songs for Low Voice and Piano

Therese - Therese

Feldeinsamkeit - The Loneliness of the Field

Nachtwandler - Sleepwalker

über die Heide - Over the Heath

Versunken - Enraptured

Todessehnen - Longing For Death

87 Piano Trio No. 2 in C Major for Piano, Violin and Cello

88 String Quintet No. 1 in F Major

89 Gesang der Parzen - Song of the Fates for Six Voice Chorus and Orchestra

90 Symphony No. 3 in F Major

91 Two Songs for Alto Voice, Viola and Piano

Gestillte Sehnsucht - Satisfied Longing

Geistliches Wiegenlied - Spiritual Lullaby

92 Four Quartets for SATB and Piano

O sch?ne Nacht - Oh Lovely Night

Sp?therbst - Late Autumn

Abendlied - Evening Song

Warum? - Why?

93a Six Songs and Romances for Four Voice mixed Chorus a cappella

Der Bucklichte Fiedler - The Hump-backed Fiddler

Das M?dchen - The Maiden

O sü&127;&127;&127;?er Mai - Oh Sweet May

Fahr wohl! - Journey Well!

Der Falke - The Falcon

Beherzigung - Heeding

93b Tafellied - Table Song for Six-part mixed Chorus and Piano

94 Five Songs for High Voice and Piano

Mit vierzig Jahren - At Forty

Steig auf, geliebter Schatten - Arise, Beloved Ghost

Mein Herz ist schwer - My Heart is Heavy

Sapphische Ode - Sapphic Ode

Kein Haus, keine Heimat - No House, No Homeland

95 Seven Songs for Voice and Piano

Das M?dchen - The Maiden

Bei dir sind meine Gedanken - My Thoughts are With You

Beim Abschied - At Parting

Der J?ger - The Hunter

Vorschneller Schwur - Hasty Oath

M?dchenlied - Maiden's Song

Sch?n war, das ich dir weihte - It was Beautiful, My Solemn Gift to You

96 Four Songs for Voice and Piano

Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht - Death is the Cool Night

Wir wandelten - We Were Walking

Es schauen die Blumen - Flowers Look

Meerfahrt - A Voyage on the Sea

97 Six Songs for Voice and Piano

Nachtigall - Nightingale

Auf dem Schiffe - On the Ship

Entführung - Abduction

Dort in den Weiden - There Among the Willows

Komm bald - Come Soon

Trennung - Separation

98 Symphony No. 4 in E minor

99 Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major

100 Violin Sonata No. 2 in A Major

101 Piano Trio No. 3 in C minor for Piano, Violin and Cello

102 Double Concerto in A minor for Violin, Cello and Orchestra

103 Eleven Gypsy Songs for Middle Voice and Piano

104 Five Choruses for Mixed Chorus a cappella

Nachtwache I - Night Watch I

Nachtwache II - Night Watch II

Letztes Glück - Last Luck

Verlorene Jugend - Lost Youth

Im Herbst - In Autumn

105 Five Songs for High Voice and Piano

Wie Melodien zieht es mir - As If Melodies Were Moving

Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer - My Slumber Grows More and More Peaceful

Klage - Lament

Auf dem Kirchhofe - In the Churchyard

Verrat - Betrayal

106 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

St?ndchen - Serenade

Auf dem See - On the Lake

Es hing der Reif - Hoarfrost Hung

Mein Lieder - My Songs

Ein Wanderer - A Traveler

107 Five Songs for Voice and Piano

An die Stolze - To a Haughty Woman

Salamander - Salamander

Das M?dchen Spricht - The Girl Speaks

Maienk?tzchen - Catkins

M?dchenlied - Girl's Song

108 Violin Sonata No. 3 in D minor

109 Fest- und Gedenksprüche - Festive and Commemorative Pieces - Four Songs for Eight-part Chorus a cappella

110 Three Motets for Four and Eight-part Chorus a cappella

Ich aber bin elend - Oh God I am Humble

Ach, arme Welt - Ah, Shallow World

Wenn wir in h?chsten N?ten sein - When We are in Greatest Need

111 String Quintet No. 2 in G Major

112 Six Quartets for SATB and Piano

Sehnsucht - Longing

N?chtens - Dusk

Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 1 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 1

Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 2 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 2

Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 3 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 3

Vier Zigeunerlieder No. 4 - Four Gypsy Songs No. 4

113 Thirteen Canons for Women's voices

114 Clarinet Trio in A minor for Clarinet (or Viola), Cello and Piano

115 Clarinet Quintet in B minor for Clarinet and String Quartet

116 Seven Fantasies for Piano

117 Three Intermezzi for Piano

118 Six Piano Pieces

119 Four Piano Pieces

120 Two Sonatas for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano

No. 1 in F minor

No. 2 in E Flat Major

121 Four Serious Songs for Bass Voice and Piano

122 Eleven Choral Preludes for Organ (opus postum)

未编号作品 :

? Canons for mixed vocal ensembles a cappella

? Choral Prelude and Fugue in A minor for organ, on "O Traurigkeit, o Herzlied"

? Dem dunkeln Schoss der Heilen Erde - Song for mixed Chorus a cappella

? Fugue in A Flat minor

? 49 German Folksongs

42 for Solo Voice and Piano, 7 for Four-part Chorus

? 28 German Folksongs for Solo Voice and Piano

? 14 German Folksongs for mixed Chorus

? 12 German Folksongs for Four-part mixed Chorus

? Eight German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Women's Chorus

? 16 German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Women's Chorus

? 20 German Folksongs for Three- and Four-part Woemn's Chorus

? Two Gavottes for Piano

1. No. 1 in A minor

2. No. 2 in A Major

3. Two Gigues for Piano

1. No. 1 in A minor

2. No. 2 in B minor

? Dein Herzlein Mild - The Little Heart Mild - Song for Four-voice Women's Chorus

? Hungarian Dances: for Piano Four Hands (Nos. 1-21); for Piano solo (Nr. 1-10); for Orchestra (Nos. 1, 3, 10)

? Kleine Hochzeitskantate - Small Wedding Cantata for Four Voices and Piano

? Kyrie in G minor for Four voices and Basso continuo

? Missa Canonica in C Major for Four- to Six-part mixed Chorus a cappella

1. Sanctus in A Flat Major

2. Benedictus in F Major

3. Agnus Dei in F minor

4. Dona nobis pacem in C Major

? Mondnacht - Moon Night

? Ophelia Lieder - Ophelia Songs

? Five Songs for voice and Piano

? Song for Voice and Piano

? Piano Trio in A Major

? Prelude and Fugue in A minor for Organ

? Prelude and Fugue in G minor for Organ

? Regenlied - Rain Song for Voice and Piano

? Two Sarabands for Piano

1. No. 1 in A minor

2. No. 2 in B minor

? Scherzo for Violin and Piano in C minor from the F.A.E. Sonata

? 51 Studies for Piano

? 14 Children's Folksongs